Something wicked this way comes

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Bijin Snow Victoria 11 years ago.

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  • #527
    Profile photo of High Lord Cirrus of House Snow

    Scarlet ran around the corner of the housing complex, chasing the suspect who had been painting the wall. Chasing the suspect into the main road she saw Cirrus helping Bijin up from the ground. He reached into his pouch and pulled a glass bottle filled with purple liquid. He pitched it and hit the delinquent in the back. The suspect frozen in place as Scarlet got there.
    “Thank you Sir.” Scarlet said as she stopped to get her breath. She watched as he helped Bijin dust herself off, counting under his breath.
    “I would tie him up soon Scarlet.”
    “Captain, Sir.”
    “Title not withstanding, you have 17 seconds before they can move. Captain.” As Scarlet tipped her hat and went on to tie up the suspect, “add disorderly conduct to the list of charges.”
    “Yes sir, I will.”
    And with that Cirrus and Bijin went into the Sakura No Shofu. They talked about the finer points of running Aman Peak. It had come to their attention that many things were starting to take off faster than they had planned. They were planning to build more facilities to help those around them as more dangerous things became available.
    Tithane D’Aman, the head waitress at the Sakura, brought the couple their usual drinks.
    “Did you hear M’Lords, about the Lumos Oil that will start lighting the streets?” She sat the drinks down with a smile.
    “Yes my dear. Cirrus here had a hand in it.” Bijin sipped her drink and looked lovingly over the rim at her husband.
    “The denezenes of the lake found it. I just helped refine it and find a way to make it useful.” He winked at Bijin and drank his drink.
    Tithane, as she walked away, thought to herself that she could easily take them both out. But how could she take out her employers. She spent the day tending to her chours and made sure that everything was in order. Outside Jerik and Simon were fighting about the different means of keeping peace. Explovies or brute force. Tithane shook her head and keep on moving.
    “Sir. I need to ask you some questions.” Scarlet said from behind Cirrus. “It’s about Collin O’Teagan…”

  • #532
    Profile photo of High Lord Cirrus of House Snow

    A heavy weight fell over Cirrus. He slowly got up and walked to the door. “Come with…” That is all anyone heard of that conversation. Everyone awoke on with a bad headache. Cirrus was nowhere to be seen. When they went to inspect, they found a path of destruction and fire. It lead down the mountain.
    “Oh dear lord! Call everyone! Find my husband! Find who did this,” Bijin yelled. She was frantic which was very out of character and put everyone in a frenzy.

  • #533
    Profile photo of Bijin Snow

    My tails lash at the site of cirrus’s wings riped from his body and the idea of some future clients dieing for no reason. Malice intent to drag this outlaw to the center of the mountain and flay their skin from their muscle runs through my mind muahhahaha

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