Midsummer Success

June 25, 2012 in Mundane Business

This morning I am sitting at my desk, sore in all the right places, and reflecting back on the wonderful weekend I just had.

I wanted to thank everyone that showed up! We had a great event, even through the suffocating heat.

We got off to a slow start Saturday morning, and energy seemed low with the heavy beating sun high in the sky, but as evening approached some things really started to pick up, and in the opinion of one this guy, we ended the day with one of the best events I’ve attended in a long time.

In case you missed it, this event started out with a small gathering of some of the finest examples of craft that can be found within the extremely talented ranks of our game, and between bartering and extremely generous pricing, I feel like several of our newer players were able to pick up some great character essentials, including those little accessories that really add up to making a characters stand out. I was even able to check a mark off my own kit that I’ve had hanging like a sword of Domoclese over my head for the last 12 years… I finally got myself a period tankard.

Once the sun started to back off a bit, we had a couple of nice, quick paced Tourneys that just lead into some good, old fashioned role play. The kind of role play that makes big changes in the world of Eldaraenth and breathes life into the game.

I’d like to call some attention and special thanks to:

Lady Lilli for throwing a great event.

Hero Jim for pulling that arrow out of me, no matter how torturous the medical process might have been.

The Newest Members of the Order of the Trident for doing their duties, and in doing so, creating opportunity for role play that echoed all the way through the ranks from the bottom up.

Extra Special thanks, once again, to Fat Tony and Lady Ira for allowing a bunch of loud, stinky butt heads to invade their home and beat each other with foam swords.

Of course, thanks to all of you guys for keeping the game and world alive, and for reminding this fat kid that he really needs to get himself into shape… and invest in some anti-arrow chest armor.

Remember, The ogre accepts bacon as payment, people with shiny head gear generally get upset when you question their authority, and the tavern has a 2 drink minimum or you’ll have to pay the troll.


In the name of the founders, in the name of the players, in the name of Eldaraenth,

Matt Brotherton

PS: It should be noted that I amĀ still craving a Cheeseburger.

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